About Ulpan Yagur

Yagur has hosted an ulpan since 1966, bringing students to work on the Kibbutz, and in return, to learn Hebrew and experience Israel. The program is 5 months long and usually starts in June and December. In each session there are 42 students, comprised of tourists and new immigrants from all over the world. Ulpanists work three days a week and study three days a week, with a break on Shabbat. Work is between five and eight hours, class is six hours.



Hebrew is studied in classes according to students’ level, from beginner to advanced.

The program includes interactive language classes of Hebrew, Israeli history, Jewish culture, trips around the country, and seminars on various topics.

agriculture industry, farming, people and animal husbandry conce


Work is an important and integral part of the Yagur Ulpan experience.

As a rural, authentic kibbutz, everyone plays an equally important role in making the kibbutz function. Jobs vary from working in the Refet (cow farm), the laundry, the petting zoo, the cleaning staff, the wedding garden, and out in the fields. You will be placed in a job which matches your skills and the level of Hebrew you need to know to get the job done

The program provides laundry services, three meals a day, and other basic necessities. Students have access to kibbutz medical facilities upon request. The kibbutz synagogue holds services on Shabbat once a month and on festivals. 



Yagur offers an experience unique among Kibbutz programs.

Surrounded by the Carmel Mountains, Yagur is a rural kibbutz defined by its location. With a druze village at the top of a mountain and Haifa as well as other urban centers are only a short bus ride away, It is both the kibbutz with the best hiking trails and one of the most popular clubs in Israel. With a movie theatre, basketball and tennis courts, two soccer fields and a large (100 ft in length) swimming pool, Yagur offers many opportunities for excitement, adventure, and just plain fun.

Weekends are free for relaxing on the kibbutz or traveling.

Ulpan students are welcome to participate in community life, including movies, festivals, and concerts. Jewish holidays are celebrated together according to the kibbutz tradition. The kibbutz features it’s own bar, open to ulpanists three days a week, and Ultrasound is open to ulpanists on friday nights.

The program provides laundry services, three meals a day, and other basic necessities. Students have access to kibbutz medical facilities upon request. The kibbutz synagogue holds services on Shabbat once a month and on festivals. 

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